First Memories

What are your first memories as a writer?  What about your first memories of writing in school?

 How do they affect your feelings about writing today?

Are there parts of your life you enjoy writing?


  1. My first memories of writing stem back to when I was around third grade. I remember learning how to write in cursive and getting an assignment to take home. The assignment was to write a paragraph about our favorite animals. Albeit, the paragraph requirement was four sentences but, writing in cursive took a while when I was eight. The sentences were so simple. Something along the lines of, "My favorite animal is a dolphin because I like the color blue and they're pretty."

    Remembering that writing feels weird. I would probably never write like that these days but, I believe that it shows how much I have grown as a writer. Learning and using somewhat advanced diction and descriptive words, I could probably write a whole essay as to why dolphins are my favorite animal at this point.

    I still write occasionally for leisure. I write in a journal a few times a week, jotting down events or situations that happened to me but, I mainly write in journals so I can look back and remember how I used to be twenty years from now.

  2. One of my first memories as a writer was being asked to write a paragraph about myself in 2nd grade. I remember thinking it was really hard since I'd had so few experiences with writing and I found it really hard to describe myself along with the things I like.

    Today I still find it hard to write about myself. That is the one prompt that I hate. I think this will make it really hard to write a college essay. I enjoy writing narratives these days. It is fun to just make up stories and see where they flow. I think I'm pretty good at lying and making up stories so narratives are right up my alley.

  3. My first memories as a writer were when i was really little. Before i went to school I remember just writing letters and thinking they were word buts it was just a bunch of letters everywhere. I remember writing simple sentence and drawing pictures to match. Or writing a few sentences about a picture. The first time I wrote a little book was fun it wasn't so much pressure. It was about me and my family trip.

    Now when I write its gets boring because there is so much extra thinking you have to do. There are so many rules I have to follow. I like writing creatively and make up stuff but when i have to have reasons and claims I feel like I am repeating my self I only like to talk about things that int rest me or make up stories.

  4. My first memories as a writer was introduced in elementary in 1st grade. In literature, we practiced on ways to write in description and writing narratives. Often, we wrote wrote writing logs about what we did on the weekend or to write descriptive on a picture that was included. In this case, I also remember developing common writing skills like punctuation, period, and indentation in class.

    They affect my feelings as a writer today because I can establish expressing myself in writing format and learn to be versatile with the way I write in my pieces of writing.

    Writing becomes very expressive for me especially in narrative and descriptive writing, in which I am able to develop and organize my own thoughts, voice and opinion in a piece of paper without being criticized too harshly against the academic writing criteria. It allows me to set myself in the realm of my own thoughts and creativity.

  5. My first memory as a writer was limited in writing because I do not know what to write. My first memory of writing in school was that I have to write a short story about what I did at lunch and i wrote it very small so my teacher made me rewrote it it big normal letters. Since I have limited writing, my writing is very weak and I want to expand it and make it strong. There are parts of my life that I enjoy writing because I like to write the negative feelings that I have on a piece of paper.

  6. My very first memory of writing was when I was young. My mom would made me write my whole name. Although it was not a sentence with a bunch of words, my mom still made me write my name so I could practice and be ready for ECE. Although my writing was not eligible, it helped me be prepared for the future. Having more than one last name, my mom would want me to write both. As a result, it has been a custom to write both my last names. This was the beginning of being exposed to writing. I think it was around kindergarten I wrote my first sentence. My teacher gave us this long strip of paper and told us to write something we like. It was around the lines of: I like dogs and cats. Till this day my mom still has the strip of people in a folder. She would say look this was the first sentence you wrote when you were younger.

    Writing has affected me in a way where i see some strengths and weakness. Over the times i have improved, but still need to work on some skills. I do not hate it or like it, but it is a thing that we need in order to communicate with others. Of course, this does impact me in a way. There are some parts that I enjoy. For example, expressing my thoughts,feelings, and personal experiences. Some writing prompts are interesting to write.

  7. My first memories of writing in school was when we used to have pictures at the top of the page or we would have to draw our own. After, we would have to make a story to go with that picture. It would be simple sentences, like the dog was the the park, she ran to the tree, he was playing soccer, etc. From there it progressed into short letters or short paragraphs explaining my day or what I was most thankful for. For example, for thanksgiving in elementary school we used to write these 3-5 sentence letters to the people we are most thankful for.

    Since I started writing in elementary school, probably a little bit before then, I no longer like writing now because I feel like I have been writing for forever. I have been doing it for so long that it just gets tiring and boring. Now I have to be descriptive, proper grammar, proper organization and big words. The writings get longer and harder.

    If I do write I like to write fiction stories because they are easier and more interesting to read/write.

  8. My first memory of writing was when I was kindergarten or first grade. The teacher would always make us draw a picture and then write the story on the bottom of the picture. The point of that was to make us develop an image in our heads so we could tell the story correctly. Writing those mini stories helped me today on how to make my audience 'see' what I am writing even if it's an argumentative essay or not.

  9. My first memories as a writer are when I was a kid. I wanted to write a happy birthday letter to my mom, a letter that would describe how amazing she was and that would tell her how much I cared about her. My first memory of writing in school was in second grade when we had to write a short essay about any animal we liked, we had to describe how it looked and what it liked to do.
    Those memories help me continue to write, those memories are what makes me like writing.
    There are parts of my life when I enjoy writing. The only time I really enjoy to write is when I read a book that really gets my attention and then I feel like I have to write about it and describe each character and the role they played.

  10. As a child, I still remember that I was never an excellent writer. Even in Nepali, I was never good with expressing my thoughts on paper. As a third grader, I still remember taking the CSAP and doing well on everything but the reading/writing part. I wrote about my dream of going to Disneyland, and I went so much in depth that I started getting all over the place-my writing was very messy and not focused. I wrote about Disneyland, but then I started getting into my family, which didn't pertain to the my main idea at all.
    Because of these childhood flaws, till date, I do not feel very comfortable writing a paper without someone revising it. I am also very bad at grammar due to the lack of confidence I have to learn writing-I know the rules, but I forget them when I am writing an actual paper.
    Yes, there are some parts of my life that I like writing about. I love writing about when I was young and "my disability" defined who I was. It's because that, I feel like, helps me empathize with people, and educate others about eh discrimination disabled people have to go through.


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