OWL GRammar

Please follow the link to the Purdue OWL's grammar explanation.
 Explore the tabs on the left banner. Focus your time on one of these items-- whichever seems to be an issue for you.
In a response here, explain the grammar issue in your own words, what you learned about it and how you will try to avoid issues with it in the future


  1. The grammar concept I focused on were Appositives. Throughout the proposal, I had difficulty adding appositives. Appositives are addition of nouns to give more detail to the previous noun. I learned that it didn't have to be complex-it is just something that is sued to either clarify to the reader or describe something more in detail. I will try to add more details in the essay and say something like the Biology class rather than it, and describe the proposal better.

  2. The item that i focused on was adjective or adverbs. In my writing i have noticed that my words to not match with each other depending if im using the right adjectives or adverbs. In this lesson i learned that using the right adjectives or adverb will make the sentence clear. In order to accomplish this I plan to reread my sentence to find any grammar errors

  3. The grammar issue I chose to focus on was the topic of numbers and when to write them numerically or with words. I learned when it is appropriate to use numbers in certain situations and when to use words in certain situations. To avoid issues in the future with numbers in academic writing, I will be consistent in which format I use as well as know the context in which I am writing, to help decipher whether a number or word would be more appropriate.

  4. The grammar issue I focused on was prepositions. The prepositions "on," "at," or "in" can all describe moments while words like since, for, by, from—to, from-until, during,(with)in" could be distant time. I will avoid these issues in the future by remembering these rules.

  5. The grammar concept I focus on was the Verb Tense. In my proposal, I did not pay attention to the tense. I used back and forth with present tense and past tense. Verb Tense is the separation between past, present, and future tense. I learned that in the past tense you add "ed" because it shows that it is in the past. I will pay more attention to the verb tense in my essay because that way, I do not confuse the reader.

  6. The issue i focused on was Run-on and fragment sentences. (mostly run-ons) a run on sentence is when you have two or more independent clauses are combined with out correct punctuation. You can fix them will commons, periods,conjunctions and semi colon and colon if they are about the same thing and giving extra information . I learned that there are simple sentence meaning it contains one subject. compound sentence with two subjects. Also a complex sentence has a subordinate clause or clauses.

  7. The grammar issue I choose to focus on was adverbs. Adverbs basically modify verbs and or adjectives in a following sentence. They provide modification for the description in which a character or an object is performing or behaving as. The issue with my previous essays was my conflict on overusing words with an ending with -ly and sometimes not interpreting the definition or the use in adverbs in a sentence. They help to explain how an object or person is behaving, giving more emphasis on that action or behavior. In this case, obtaining this piece of information will help develop my essays to become more strongly descriptive and precise with action, behavior or an event I am explaining in a sentence.

  8. I chose to focus on pronouns. I've always had a hard time with pronouns because English is not a strong subject for me but according to Owl, pronouns take place of a noun. What I learned from it is that you have to refer clearly to a specific noun, agree in person, and agree in number.

  9. The grammar issue I focused on was pronouns. In my letter I did not realize that by saying he or she and then switching to to they or them was incorrect. I was switching between first person, second person and third person, which is incorrect. I constantly said the students...they need...I need to work on my sentences and be specific on who or what I was talking about. I need to work on how I word my sentences and how I use pronouns. I learned how to use a specific noun, agree in person and agree in number.


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