20 Gripes

Any good proposal solves a problem.  This assignment started with this problem (one of the 20 gripes).
In this discussion, I'd like you to develop a picture of the problem-- this could be the worse-case scenario.  How bad could it be?  Show the audience.  Use descriptive language to show a vignette or scene.
Consider things that irritate you-- problems in your life that could be solved by an action


  1. 1. Short charging cables
    2. Rolling chair wheels
    3. Pencil lead
    4. Deodorant that breaks
    5. Narrow sidewalks
    6. No light rails/public transportation in Castle Rock
    7. Books that are banned in public libraries
    8. Not enough electric outlets in big rooms
    9. When there is no soap in the bathroom
    10. Only having one King Soopers in Castle Rock
    11. Sunglasses getting stuck in hair
    12. When people are loud in the library
    13. Gum losing flavor really fast
    14. Fruit being expensive
    15. When your messages turn green
    16. Potholes
    17. People flaking on plans last minute
    18. Slow walkers
    19. Snoring
    20. Junkmail

    1. Lifting the ban of books in public school libraries could not only avoid possible court cases regarding infringement of the First Amendment, but it could also expand the student's opinion on race, history, and worldly culture, resulting in more knowledge and less discrimination.

    2. Audience: School District/Superintendent/Principal

  2. 1) lack of interest within American students
    2) food deserts
    3) GMOs
    4) Climate Change
    5) Coral Reefs death
    6)Bees death
    7) Recess in High School
    8) Phone time in school
    9) Undocumented immigrants and citizenship
    10) Building factories in America
    11) Racism till to-date
    12) College tuition
    13) Social Media
    14) Muslim immigrants in US
    15) How to deal with Syria
    16) Food being expensive
    17) Poverty level
    18) Unemployment
    19) ACT/SAT
    20) Scholarships

    1. Problem: Lack of interest for what they learn within American high school students
      Solution: Have more tactile learning styles for Biology classes so students understand it better rather than memorizing it.
      Counter Argument: It will take a lot of time to organize for the teachers; what if students don't like it.
      Audience: Principal/Science Department head.

  3. 1-dumb classes
    2-excuse makers
    3-rich selfish
    4-people talking about people in another language they don't know
    5-racist people
    8-peole struggling
    9-homeless people
    12-fake people
    15-school lunch
    18-never take the blame people
    20-rude servers

  4. 1-long bus rides
    2-listening to people on the bus
    3-needlessly aggressive people
    4-no good tv shows
    5-bad drivers
    6-good movies getting hate
    7-long traffic
    8-people who smell
    9-slow internet connections
    10-people's lack of attention toward important issues
    11-Buses arriving late
    12-people who say lmao and other text words out loud
    13-dumb questions
    14-waking up early for anything
    15-bad phone connections
    16-awful, repetitive tv shows
    17-school lunch
    18-good shows being canceled
    19-making long lists
    20-job interviews

    1. The principal or possibly superintendent should increase funding in school lunches so that schools serve better food so people eat it more often and more money can circulate back into the school.

  5. slow movers in fast lane
    people trying to text and drive
    people speeding thru school zone
    people double parking in school zone to drop off kids
    middle school sstart time
    no RTD pass for profs
    no parking pass for profs

  6. 1) Lack of bee population
    2) Overwhelming advertisements in mail
    3)Racial stereotypes
    4) phone percentages dying early
    5)overpricing in food
    6) long lines
    7) wireless apple headphone additional price
    8) "nutritional" food lunches
    9) school hours
    10) homeless people
    12) accurate attendance track
    13)legalization in marijuana
    14) excessive slaughterer houses for meat production
    15) factors that affect school rankings
    16) 6-12 garde schools
    17) traffic
    18) internet virus
    19) intenet banners
    20)unreliable source of wipkepida & insert of inacurrate info
    21)the overuse in slang

    1. 22) Unequal pay between genders
      23) unrepresentative of female workers in engineering
      24) low minimum wage
      *nutritional school lunches
      *school hours

  7. standardized testing
    Early school start
    People competing with each other
    people who think they're better than everybody
    Social media
    Classes that have no relevance for "real life situation"
    Selfish people
    People who give out their opinion too much
    People who talk too much
    People who chew loud
    People who cough/ sneeze loud
    People who aren't humble
    making long lists
    Food that is not nutritious
    Things that start early and end late
    unirrelevant classes
    People who can't stay still
    People who drink loud
    People who think that acting childish is cute
    Girls who act like babies or who are super emotional

    1. 1. The district should stop giving students standardized testing like CSAP especially elementary students. If they stop, it would not categorize students and have less stress for them.

  8. marijuana
    useless classes
    school lunch
    no access to school libraries
    TV shows
    test scores
    amount of homework
    school starts
    ignorant people
    bad hygiene
    poor diet
    drink more water
    people from out of state
    vending machines (better snacks)
    school pride
    bad drivers
    college. too much money
    racist people
    broken ice machine in McDonald's
    smoking in public places
    Irresponsible people
    People who talk a lot

    1. DSST STP. HS should reinforce some classes that will have benefits to our future. The audience of this is the director and the dean of both prep- academy and senior-academy. A counter argument is that most of these classes are requirement to graduate.

  9. 1-traffic
    2-school lunch
    3-slow internet
    7-rude people
    8-bad video games
    9-bad teachers
    10-people racing in school zones
    11-people racing in neighborhood
    12-shows being cancelled
    13-to many emails
    14-road rage
    15- dog owners who don't pick clean up after their dog
    16-computer crashing
    17-slow traffic lights
    18-buses not on time
    19-people who are not polite in emails
    20-people screaming and being loud in the library

  10. 1.racist
    2. judgmental
    3. school lunch
    4. over spoil
    5. low quality movies
    6. unnecessary arguments
    7. doctors being to slow
    8. traffic
    9. jealousy
    10. Rude people
    11. high prices
    12. low minimum wage
    13. scam
    14. robbery
    15. 2 face people (AKA fake)
    16. cops stop cars for stupid reasons
    17. overprotective
    18. sexist
    19. family arguments
    20. bad drivers

    1. 16. cops stop cars for dumb reasons
      - audience: cops
      - proposal: cops shouldn't waste people time just for an unreasonable reason
      4. parents over spoil their kids and bragging their stuff to people
      - audience: parents
      - proposal: parents should not spoil their kids a lot and teach them to not brag

    2. School Lunch
      principle (description)
      web address

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. 1. time management ( who don't do it)
    2.One-uppers (people who try to out do others)
    3.Interrupting others
    4. Slow people
    5. Slow internet
    6. Bullying (especially people who do not do anything about it)
    7. Non-considerate people
    8. Double standards
    9. Sensitive teeth
    10.No toilet paper
    11.Hair getting in lip gloss
    12.Lack of sleep
    13. Unnecessary homework
    14. Racist people
    15. Chores
    16. Early mornings
    17. Liars
    18.Pointless arguments
    19. False authority
    20. Discrimination/stereotypes

    1. (16)- Early school start times. I feel like school should start later in the morning, even if it is 30 minutes later. 30 minutes can make a big difference in sleep and early morning routines. The audience would be the school principle of DMLK.


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