
Discuss the contemporary and historical contexts surrounding the topic of the piece of rhetoric you are analyzing in the major essay.


  1. Historically, Muslims have been a respected group of people. They had empires throughout the 1500s-1800s. They also helped preserve the renaissance writings when Europeans were going through the dark age. They helped Europe connect with Asia and get things such as spices, gems, astrolabe etc. Islam also helped create new religions such as Sikhism.

    Contemporary: Since the 1900s, Islam has been going through troubles. Because of things such as WWI and WW2, they were "controlled" by Europeans. Also, the Persian Gulf War has caused countries such as US to go Middle Eastern (Islamic) countries. Because of this, their culture went through a change. Before, Muslims were fundamentalists with very conservative society that was followed for many decades. However, when the US came in, the Islamic society went through some liberalism; people started to do "western" things such as wearing pants etc. Thus, conservative Muslims such as Osama Bin Laden felt that his society was being destroyed by westerners. Today, has become a huge movement within Muslims; they have been starting to get "revenge" and telling other Muslims to create a worldwide caliphate. Hence, other people such as Americans and Europeans have become discriminatory toward Muslims-they have started to marginalize other Muslims-innocent muslims-because of some terrorists who have caused a havoc throughout the world.

  2. Something that could be discussed in my piece of rhetoric is how the introduction of cell phones where a huge hit back then and how mobilization was also a huge things when the first car was invented. I could later talk about how the advancement of technology has improved and how people a both ideas took off where it is a constant need. This leads up to the idea where people are always on their phone no matter what they are doing. To the extent where people take the risk to use their phone while driving. Although back then technology was not as improved, people were still distracted by the passengers and the radio. It is not a new thing because back surroundings where also a distraction to the driver.

  3. The historical context surrounding my topic is what women had to go through since they entered the work force in World War II when men had to go off and fight. Because the men had to go fight for their country: the women had to enter the work force because people needed workers to keep their business going. I remember telling me that for some jobs women did them better than men. Ever since then women have been doing the same jobs as men, if they're allowed to, but have been getting paid way less than men. From that time women had to work twice as hard to prove themselves and make less money. White men tended to have things their way and the easy way, they still do. Women had to fight for these things with the barriers in their way. This is what my political cartoon was talking about. You can connect it all the way back to 1939.
    As of today, women have gotten far from fighting for their rights. They still get paid less than men, are still treated less than men and have many stereotypes and discrimination against them. Today more women get better education, which gets them higher in the work force, but there are still hurdles and barriers society and men throw at them to slow them down.

  4. The historical context surrounding my topic based on traffic pollution was well aware in the 16th century of urban bad air quality. However, the air quality progressively worsen as more environmental and heath conflicts begin to portray over each country. As the modern industrial revolution was built in 18th and 19th century, the use of technological advances were being invented.

    The contemporary context surrounding traffic pollution is very prevalent in the 21st century. The use of daily driving and public transportation is highly used. Therefore, the pollution as doubled with the last few years. Which are now an indication to global warming. In addition, of using car and releasing pollutant into air have now affected health of individuals.

  5. Historical perspective: acne treatments from the late 1800's are more natural but bacterial. People with acne prone skin uses home remedies to treat acne such as honey and its not antibacterial. Another is that in history, acne treatments are a luxury thing to do. Acne is treated with baths using hot mineral water combined with sulfur to unclogged pores.

    Contemporary contexts: acne treatments are more affordable for everyone and it is antibacterial for everyone to use.

  6. Distracted driving has probably always been an issue since driving became a thing. Distractions have always been a thing when people drive. Billboards on the road, trying to eat or do make-up, and road rage, are all distracting factors that can cause distracted driving related incidents.

    On a contemporary standpoint, cellphone use while driving has become one of the biggest factors of distracted driving related incidents. It has become such a huge problem because the majority of people stare down at their lap without even glancing at their phone.

  7. In the piece of rhetoric in the medium of an internet banner, Kobe Bryant is featured in an advertisement promoting Vitamin Water. When the advertisement initially made its way to the public eye, Kobe Bryant had just recently been charged with sexual assault in 2003. Because of the sexual assault allegations charged on Bryant, he had been dropped from many endorsement deals such as McDonald's and Spalding. Amid the endorsement drops and backlash from the general public, Vitamin Water offered Kobe Bryant an endorsement deal, which was signed. Glaceau Senior VP/Marketing Rohan Oza stated, "We came up with the decision to go after Kobe because we're fans of his and we liked the fact that he was already drinking Vitamin Water" (, 5/13). Because of the lack of Bryant advertisements at the time, the ad received plenty of attention.
    Nowadays, Kobe Bryant can no longer be seen on the court but, can be seen in a number of advertisements for varying companies. Still very much in the public eye, Bryant's history of sexual assault charges no longer affect him as a celebrity getting endorsement deals around the world.

  8. Historically channels weren't always easy to access. The channels were the news or the radio and the newspaper. You would only look at these things once a day so it wouldn't poison your mind as much as today because it wasn't near you all day. They way to hear stereotypes was more difficult.

    Historically there wasn't many channels or electronics. You channels were your community or high authority. Black men were viewed as animals and it spread throughout people. High Authority or someone who is known would have been Jim Crow. He made a character who was black and made the fun of the black community and that was the view on black people. That they weren't humans and they were a joke.

    On the contemporary side its very simple to access these channels. There is more technology to find out about the topic. After something happens in todays time its posted immediately and everyone knows about it, but people still don't look at how they can access the other side.

  9. Shark fining became popular in the early 1980's. Many citizens thought that shark fins had many nutrients and have health benefits. Many also consume shark fin soup. Sharks weren't a target but for the last 30 years, the loss of sharks has effected many more species and the environment.


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