Major Essay #3

English 1010
Summer 2017
Major Essay Assignment 4: Proposal Argument
Word Requirement: approx. 1,000

Take a position on a specific topic related to you.  Be sure to include the key features of proposal arguments from the readings; you must meet these objectives in order to satisfy the goals of this assignment.

For this paper, you will use business letter format and address your essay to a specific person, business or organization in order to effect change.  Make certain you are addressing an appropriate audience for your paper.  This audience must have the power to enact the change you are proposing!  Choose wisely. 

Your final draft in the portfolio must include a stamped, addressed envelope for mailing (or it will not meet this rubric and be returned to you). 

Your paper may include a citation that supports your argument.   

Because you are writing a letter, you will simply include the source within the sentence.  For example:
Craig R. Dean is quoted in Everything’s an Argument as stating, “Marriage is more than a piece of paper.”  Dean goes on to argue that the US should allow gay marriage.
Furthermore, if you use an outside source, you must create a Works Cited page for the grading copy of your essay.

All drafts must be typed in 11-point Times New Roman, with 1” margins, using business letter format.  Refer the business letter format for a template of  how your paper may look; bearing mind that although this is a one-page example, your letter will be at least two pages long.  Refer to the syllabus for “A Paper” criteria.   Multiple mechanical errors hurts the ethos appeal of a paper, so strive to eliminate them. 

Grading Criteria
A well-constructed Proposal Argument will achieve the following:
·      Adhere to the assignment requirements as outlined on this page.
·      Contain the Key Features of Proposals outlined in the readings.
·      Take a position through a clearly-stated claim.
·      Consider the opposition’s viewpoint.
·      Present sufficient evidence.
·      Take a unique and fresh angle on the topic.
·      Establish your ethos
·      Evoke an emotional response

·      Be correctly formatted and exhibit few mechanical errors.


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