proposal readings

From your reading of the chapter on proposals, name some of the examples of proposal arguments that were suggested.


  1. Some examples were the student activist dealing with school lunch not using some type of chemical in the food
    Another one would be kids not getting sleep so they should change the school times to later

  2. The proposal in the reading was that the school districts should start school later in the morning rather than at 7:30. Starting even an hour later shows huge improvement because teenagers are getting more sleep, their brain is wake and functioning and they will not be sleeping in class as much.

  3. In the reading, some of the examples of proposal arguments were tied with varying topics. In one example, the author wrote a political science essay and utilized statistics to forward their proposal argument.
    Another example was the student writing about school starting times.

  4. From our reading of the chapter proposals, one example of proposal argument that was suggested to us was about things such as an education issue-school start time (we need more sleep, hence, we should start school later), or how the way we are taught isn't correct, and students need to be taught with things such as quizzes every week. Another example of proposal argument that was suggested was about how we should change our income system (the first article)

    1. Change the time, serve different food

  5. Some examples of proposal argument from the chapter is that proposal is used in different ways.
    One example, from the reading "School Starting Time" the Proposal is that school should start at a later time.

  6. Based off the reading of the chapter on proposals, some of the examples of the proposal arguments being suggested was further longing research. The reading of the chapter focused on sleep deprivation and how much it affected the performance of the students in school. a research was conducted to start school from 7:30 to 8:30. Where, the linked relationship between obtaining more sleep, actually increased the grades, attendance and less violent behavior of students.

  7. Have a problem stated more like a solving problem. In the reading the main topic was have school to start a little late because it impacts the students way to learn and its brain. Another one was have a counterargument and refute it. The authors counterargument stated that school should not start late because it negatively impacts the student

  8. one proposal is kids not getting enough sleep another proposal argument was whether going to sleep early or late and another proposal was if school should start late because students don't get enough sleep.


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