The Problem

Every good proposal is a solution to a problem. What problem will your proposal solve? Freewrite on the problem here.  Describe in using showing language. Consider the worse-case scenario.


  1. My proposal will solve the problem of gross school lunch and more students deciding to eat off campus at my school. Students will begin to flock towards the lunchroom and pay for lunch there. George Washington High school and other DPS schools will be better environments in general. In the worst-case scenario, more and more students begin to eat off campus and the lunchroom becomes a barren environment. With no one spending money in the lunchroom, the school degrades and suffers as a whole.

  2. When young adults come out of high school they don't know where to start or how to prepare for an adult life. So my action for that would be to add a life ethics class in high school to help these young adults be prepared. The class would include different things like filing taxes or learning about credit or renting a home etc. Worse case scenario kids wont take the class and it would be a waste of money.

  3. My proposal will solve how well student perform if my school added an elective that had a foreign language other than just Spanish. Also, if my school added another elective, more students would want to come to the school and if we have more students, the more funding we would have and the more money then, we could use the money to buy new computers, books, or even make a bigger garden.
    The worst case scenario would be that they wouldn't be able to find a teacher that would want to teach a certain language.

  4. The problem by proposal will serve is by getting students who take Bio (a class required to take in out school) more motivated to take the class. Instead of taking it just to take it, students will look forward to taking it. Likewise, the teachers of that class won't have to give free points just to show the principal that they are doing something; students will earn the points with their own ability. Likewise, our school gets a lot of complaints from patents for not trying something new, and doing the same thing over and over again. However, if the school were to change the way Bio was taught, parents wouldn't find a way to complain to the school, and instead have compliments for the school and have hope that new things will be done was well. It will also solve the problem of complaint letters the school gets each year against the Bio teachers taking about other things such as football rather than teaching in class; hence, students don't know what to expect on the tests, making them more prone to bad grades. The worst case scenario could be that students don't like it or that parents complain about it. If that happens, the school could just get rid of the way the class is taught.

  5. School lunch isn't flavorful, the main course taste bland like cardboard. The proposal is the principle should bring a special guest Gordon Ramsey to teach them how to cook. For Gordon Ramsey's benefit, it will increase the viewers of "Kitchen Nightmares."

  6. My proposal is to lift the ban of books in the Douglas County School District. In the county, there are fourteen public high schools that do not allow certain books to be shelved in their libraries. Not allowing works of literature and speech is unconstitutional and is an infringement on the First Amendment of the Constitution. Repealing the ban would avoid the threat of lawsuit and major money loss. Lifting the ban of books in the fourteen public high schools in the Douglas County School District would include annually purchasing two previously banned books for each high school, totaling to twenty-eight new books per year.

  7. The problem that my proposal will solve will be the community around my school and in school involving global warming. People in the community and in my school don't show much interest in recycling, students just throw the trash where ever they want to and the community does not really do much because they aren't thinking of the consequences it has on their community and world.

  8. The proposal is that DSST should change some classes that will have a benefit to their students. The problem of this is this that Earth Science is an unnecessary class because it is a one trimester class not a whole school year. Not a lot of students put a lot of effort because Biology was more important than this class. To solve this, the director should add in college classes in order to benefit the students education. A worse-case scenario could be the amount of stress on students and failing this class.

  9. For my proposal, the most effective way to engage the superintendent, whom is my target audience, is to persuade him in working with others schools to change their school start time to 8:00am. Using a committee who will focus on targeting schools to a later time, adjusting the schedules of schools and ensure all schools works smoothly yearly round. In this case, the worst case scenario is that schools will reject this time change in the matter of it interferes with schedules of many schools.


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