The Skimm

Please summarize the main news items of the day you read in the Skimm.
Next, name the news item you focused on-- the one you chose to follow a link to the full-text article.
Explain the difference in the tone and voice of the two news sources (the Skimm vs. the full-text article). What is the difference in the way the writing affects you? Which source seems to have stronger ethos? which is easier to read? <More engaging to you? Why do you think each source chose these styles?


  1. First main news item of the day was G20 meeting happening in Germany this year- it stated that people are looking forward Trump and Putin to meet, the China-India problem. Another main news was that Secretary of Education Betsy Davos was sued by several states due to her delaying a rule about students from profit colleges being loan free--since the profit colleges have love graduation job rates, and are having to shut down, leaving many people out of work. The third main news was that throughout America, opioid prescriptions has been lowered; however, till date, more people die from opioid perspiration than ever before-hence, we need to work harder and lower the stats mores. The last main news on the Skimm was that QVC is buying HSN for $2 billion so they can merger together. This will help both companies since their profit had decreased due to online shopping such as Amazon, and by merging, they can bring their customers together, and make more profit.

    The article I chose to focus on the on the Skimm was the opioid prescription decrease. I chose to follow the "sharing graphic photos" link which got me into the Time. The main difference in tone and voice between the Skimm and the Time was that the Time was more serious. The Skimm just listed what the trend was, however, the Time went more into depth making it more of a serious topic. The Time's writing was more affecting to me than the Skimm's. It's because the Time made me feel more sympathetic toward the problem became it showed how people were actually being affected by the epidemic (the little boy photos was very sad) rather than the Skimm which just listed the facts. The Time seems to have more ethos; it is known for its precise articles. Also, n this particular article, the Time went in and talked to Ohio doctors, police and how opioid addiction had affected who they see. The Skimm was easier and faster to read; it was also more engaging. The Skimm chose this style because it is a fast-pace overview of what is going In the world, and just wants the readers to spend about 5 minutes to know the news. However, the Times is a news source, and will go into more depth due to it's readers having more time, and more focus than the Skimm's readers who just want an overview.

  2. The main news that the skimm focused on was the G20 with Germany. This is when 19 plus groups meet together to talk about trade and climate change. Trump also plays a role in this because many people are looking forward from trump and Putin to meet. Not only that, states sued Education Secretary Betsy Devous because it broke the law by pushing away students loans.

    One of the news that i read was the one the that said what to say to your friend who's always looking fro a good deal. The main difference between the skimm and cbsnews was that cbsnews was more serious about this topic. Whereas the skimm, just informed the reader what is happening with QVC buying HNS. The one that has stronger ethos is cbsnew because it goes into detail about the situation. Skimm lacks ethos because it does not fully focus on credibility but instead gets right to the topic. For instance, it knows what is happenings and how consumers will feel about this idea. The skimm is easier to access because it gives the gist on the situation and gets right to the point. Cbsnew engaged me because it went into deeper detail of this situation and it explored how it effects consumers

  3. The main news I read on the Skimm today was Trump talking about the free trade deals and how it weakens the economy causing our strongest allies to draw questions. The tension between China and India, so the Chinese President and the Indian Prime Minister had to cancel their meeting. The department of education got sued by many states, which caused a pause on the rule that would forgive students' for student loans. The opioids crisis where people have been over dosing, addicted to them and doctors are now limited to the amount of pills they can prescribe somebody in the states of Ohio, West Virginia, etc. The last one I read was how QVC buys HSN, so that they could try to out beat online-shopping like Amazon.

    The article I chose to read was the QVC buying HNS. I chose to read this one because I thought it would be interesting to see their strategies to try and challenge Amazon. They're trying to increase the sells on their products and give customers a better experience. In the Skimm they providded the basics of how much QVC bought HNS for, what they plan on doing to compete against online sites like Amazon and why. The article went into depth on why the two companies plan to come together to compete with online sites, as well as why they think it would be better to increase their sells. The article also provided the sells information such as the how much sells went down and how much other company cells went up. The article also gave an estimate on what might happen, along with the amount of sells they think or plan to make a year. The author of the article also talk mentioned why the companies think this might work and when they plan for this to happen. The Skimm was easier to read than the article because the Skimm gave me a summary of the article in one paragraph, while the actual article told me everything the
    Skimm told me, but with more numbers.

  4. Today's news consisted of the G20 and Trump's meeting with Putin, Betsy DeVos getting sued because she wants to pause a rule that forgives student loan debt for those who went to for-profit colleges, an opioid crisis, and that QVC is buying HSN for $2 billion.

    As for today's read, I chose to further read into the Betsy DeVos situation. She has been accused of unlawfully "delaying a federal rule stemming from the Obama administration. A number of attorney generals from 18 states total have filed suit against the Education Secretary and her department. The attorney generals claim that DeVos is giving "rein to for-profit" colleges by undoing the Borrower Defense Rule. The 18 states have ordered the agency to keep the rule.

    The difference between the two sources, Skimm and NPR, are very real. Skimm reads more as a young adult using sub par vocabulary, while still being filled with important points. On the other hand, NPR is known as a very credible and unbiased source for news. NPR uses very distinct detail and vocabulary to be as unbiased as possible, usually reading as straight facts from government officials or related. Although Skimm is a lot easier to read and understand, I would rather read NPR due to there being more facts written. I believe that Skimm is formatted the way it is so that it reaches a larger audience and that NPR is formatted the way it is so that it can be credible and more professional.

  5. -G20 meeting: Trump will be meeting with Putin in Russia. The EU and japan said they didn't need the US.
    -states suing the education secretary Betsy DeVos because the department of education broke the law by not forgiving students loan debts.
    The third main news was on the opioid crisis. It said that doctors have been prescribing fewer opioids but the prescriptions has tripled since the 90's and that's bad because thousands of more people are overdosing.
    -QVC parenting company is buying the home shopping network because people don't use TV commercials to buy crock-pots or jewelry anymore.
    -People are atarting to snort cocoa powder.

    The article I chose to read was about snorting chocolate. The headline on the skim said "If your mom asks what it means to 'snort chocolate'..Just stop" So I clicked on it and it lead me to and I thought it was weird and kind of funny to me because I didn't know snorting cocoa-powder was a thing. On the skim, it was a short headline and it was trying to make things funny but on it seemed like they were being goofy in a way but they also explains what the product, Coco Loko, was and what it's made of and how many doctors don't know a lot of the health risks only that it could clog up your sinus.

  6. Today I read about the tension at the G20 and that Trump is about to have his first one on one meeting with Putin. Trump apparently told Russia to stop their destabilizing activities. Doctors are also prescribing less opioids recently which is good sense prescriptions have tripled since the 90s. Also the Home Shopping Network was bought out by QVC for $2 billion.

    I followed the link to a Guardian article that discussed the lead-up to Trump and Putin's first one on one. The Skimm was pretty coy about its explanation. It seemed to make lots of jokes and satirical statements. At the same time, though, the Skimm just gave a general overview and didn't dig to deep. The Guardian systematically went through every aspect of Trump and Putin's meeting from the lead up to the tension that surrounds it. The Guardian was much more in-depth and analytical than the Skimm.

  7. So Fly Like A G20 -World leaders talk about trade and climate change. Japan and EU give up the largest trade deal. China and India are fighting over land, and they have a meeting.

    Repeat after me -Education secretary Betsy Devos was sued for breaking the law by pushing pause on a rule that supposed to forgive student loan debt for people who went to shady for profit college. Some schools have been closed leaving students in debt and with no degree. The Obama administration adopted a rule that would forgive that debt.

    Opioid - doctors have been prescribing fewer opioids that is the good part but the bad part is that prescriptions have been tripled. the number of patients addicted to opioids have increased a lot and plenty people have died from overdose. This really effects low income communities.

    QVC's buys the home shopping network and sales for both of them have went down . It was really useless because people don't but things from the tv they have online shopping websites.

    I followed the article about Opioids. The Skimm wasn't as serious as the article and it didn't give some details that might have made people more attracted to the article. The article gave facts. I think the skimm tried to blame in on the doctors kind of to make it sound more juicy but the article says there is not one factor to blame. I think the article is easier to read because it can give you the background but the skimm has to get straight to the point. I cant tell which has a better ethos because I don't know the credibility. The skimm engaged me faster because it gets straight to it but they are both interesting the skimm is a little better.

  8. The main news item of the day that I read on the Skimm was about the G20 meeting taken place in Germany about the Trump and putin meeting, free trade deals and teh chuina-nidia meeting where certainc ountires like europe, japan and russia are notr agreeing with terms. The seondary news liste4d in teh skimm is about the secretary betsy devos anbd the educatioin deprstement was sued in the rule that she had made many of the mejor scxhools to shut due the overwhelmimg debts in stduents loans. she beloived that the "student debt" shoudnt be orgiven, and passed iona rule to not push on more studenty debt into play rathe rtjhan beneifting many studnets. Another news listed in the skimm is about opioid crisis going on the world that si now tripling in uses. people are fearing teh overuse of this drug, and shoudk ebg supervised ven m,ore when doctors sare prewscibing thse pills to pateinets.

    The article I choose to analyze on was the G20 meeting in Germany. In this case, the difference in the two news sources are very different in use of language and tone. More in depth, the outside source skimming through the skimm reads, it lays a very short, but very eye catching, many of this event. The read is titled "So Fly Like its G20" embedded in a green boarder to appeal to audiences who are younger to engage in not fun readings in politics. Rather than bringing extensively excessive information, it goes straight to the point and allows the narrator to have a personality in its writing, like a blog. While, resuming the full news article, it becomes very serious and focused tone. In this case, the audience is able to take this reading serious and professional. The differentiation between the two allows readers in the skimm to get a fast overview about daily news occurring in the world. However, the article allows the very perpendicular details of an event.

  9. I read about the G20 which is a group of 19 countries plus the EU. This countries make up around 80% of the global economy. It also talked about the Trump-Putin meeting which would be their first one-on-one meeting. Trump told Russia to stop their destabilizing activities.
    Doctors are also prescribing less opioids recently which is good but the bad news is that the prescriptions have tripled since the the late '90s
    The QVC's parent company said it's buying the Home Shopping Network for $2 billion.

    The article I decided to read about more on was Trump telling Russia to stop destabilizing. The Skimm didn't really talk about it in a serious way, that would make the reader think about it. On the other hand the article did talk about the meeting in a serious way which made the reader think about what Trump is doing and about the way he talked to the audience


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