Writer's Reflection

Summer 2017
English 1010
Short Essay #4

In a page of text, reflect on yourself as a writer.  You should develop a reflective claim (a point) and support it. Start by looking over the graded copies of all the major essays.
Try remembering your first memory of writing.  How do you feel about writing?  What writing are you most comfortable with? What is most difficult?  What are your strengths in writing? Weaknesses?

How has your writing changed as a result of your work in this course?  What do you still have to work on in your writing?
Use these observations as support for your claim! What point can you argue about your writing—and how can you use these observations as evidence or support for this claim.

This should be in MLA format (think of a good title), be around 250 words (a whole page of text).  


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